Bio Mark A. Frantz


Mark is focused on software and media investments for RedShift Ventures. Mr. Frantz currently serves on the Board of Directors at Secure Elements, ODIN Technologies and New Media Strategies, as well as the Board of Directors for the Northern Virginia Technology Council (NVTC) and the Commonwealth of Virginia”s Research & Technology Advisory Council (VRTAC). Mark has also been an investor/advisor to Luna Innovations (Nasdaq: fnuttLUNAfnutt) and American Teleradiology Nighthawks (acq. by Nighthawk Radiology Services, fnuttNHWKfnutt).

Mr. Frantz was previously the Managing General Partner of In-Q-Tel, the strategic venture capital affiliate of the U.S. Intelligence Community. Prior to that, Mark was with Carlyle Venture Partners, where he worked with Blackboard (fnuttBBBBfnutt), Imagitas (acq. by Pitney Bowes, fnuttPBIfnutt), ISR Solutions (acq. by Stanley Works, fnuttSWKfnutt), Panasas, Grant Street Group and Secure Elements. Mr. Frantz joined Carlyle from Redleaf Ventures, where he worked with portfolio companies Lightningcast (acquired by AOL-TimeWarner, fnuttTWXfnutt) and Entrieva. Prior to Redleaf, he was the Associate to the Senior Chairman of Deutsche Banc Alex. Brown, working extensively with the Technology and Internet groups. Mark has also served as the Associate Director of The White House Office of Intergovernmental Affairs under President George H. W. Bush and as the economic and technology policy advisor to Pennsylvania Governor Tom Ridge, where he came up with idea for the early-stage venture capital fund that is now known as PA Early Stage Partners.

Mr. Frantz is actively involved in the community, having served as the Co-Chair of the Greater Washington Board of Trade Technology Transfer Task Force, a member of the Advisory Committee on Technology Transfer to the Virginia Joint Commission on Technology & Science, Accelerating Innovation/Tech Transfer 2005, the 2002 & 2003 fnuttTechnology Transfer in the Mid-Atlanticfnutt Steering Committee, the Chairman of the Northern Virginia Technology Council”s Private Equity Committee, a member of the Program Committee for the Mid-Atlantic Venture Association (fnuttMAVAfnutt).
Mark holds J.D. and M.B.A. degrees from the University of Pittsburgh and a B.A. degree from Allegheny College. Mr. Frantz was an NCAA All-American swimmer at Allegheny and qualified for the USA Triathlon National Championship from 1997-2004.