Sprider forskning om innovation, entreprenörskap och småföretagande.

Sprider forskning om innovation, entreprenörskap och småföretagande


Digital business model innovation in the Swedish industrial ecosystem

Föreläsare: Professor Vinit Parida och docent David Sjödin, Luleå tekniska universitet

Om föreläsningen:

To stay competitive, the Swedish industry needs to develop its ability to profit from digitalization and Industry 4.0. Companies must use digital technologies to innovate their business models, provide new revenue streams and pursue value-producing opportunities. Transitioning towards advanced services – such as autonomous vehicles – represents a radical shift in the business logic for providers, customers, and other ecosystem actors (partners, sub-suppliers, and even competitors).

However, most companies lack sufficient knowledge and capabilities in constructing new digital business models, according to Vinit Parida and David Sjödin. Their lecture builds on research results from the Vinnova funded project “Digital Innovation of Business Models in Industrial Ecosystems” (DigIn).

Parida and Sjödin will present new insights on how Swedish companies are striving to profit from digitalization, based on more than 200 interviews with companies like Boliden, ABB, Volvo CE, SCA, Ericsson, Sandvik, and Komatsu Forest. They will discuss research findings, and open up for knowledge exchange and networking. Some of the key issues that will be discussed are:

– What are the barriers to profiting from digitalization?
– How can companies create digital business model innovation together with other actors?
– How can incentives and risks be aligned in the ecosystem?

This lecture is organized together with Digital Innovation of Business Models in Industrial Ecosystems (DigIn).

Please note that the lecture will be in English. In conjunction with the lecture, we will also reveal the winners of Nytt&Nyttigt 2017-2018, a national student thesis competition on innovation (organized by ESBRI and Vinnova).

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