Bio Trine Winterø


Trine Winterø has seven years of experience as a venture capitalist investing in early stage high-tech companies within ICT and biotech – the last four years heading up the venture capital fund Symbion Capital I A/S. She participated in building Symbion Capital in 2001 – at that time the largest private venture capital fund in Denmark investing in start-up high-tech. She has furthermore been instrumental in the merger of two Danish seed funds and subsequently a founding Partner of Seed Capital Denmark. Trine graduated with a MSc. in Food Science in 1988 and continued with studies in molecular genetics where she received her Ph.D. in 1993. During her 11 years of scientific career she received supplementary education on USA and Europe and published more than 25 peer reviewed papers in international journals. In 1999 she moved to Symbion Science Park and participated in a turn-around of the science park simultaneously with building up an investment vehicle there. She has been the CEO of Symbion Management – the management company for the venture capital fund – since 2001 and has extensive experience in finding new investment opportunities, evaluating, investing and building start-up companies. She has furthermore been responsible for building the strong biotech profile of Symbion Science Park. Today she is also member of a number of steering committees addressing development of technology transfer practises in Denmark and she is the Chairman of Connect Denmark’s Board Member Network.———–