Boktipslista: Socialt entreprenörskap


Entré nr 1 2007 har temat fnuttSocialt entreprenörskapfnutt och handlar bland annat om företagande i den sociala sektorn och om att entreprenörskap är ett samhällsfenomen som är större än ekonomi. Nedan följer litteratur- och webbtips för dig som vill veta mer.

figurstjernaAsplund, Carl-Johan, Bjerke, Björn, Hjorth, Daniel och Larsson, Håkan: Publikt Entreprenörskap. Malmö: Malmö University Press, 2007 (kommande)

figurstjernaAustin, James, Stevenson, Howard, Wei-Skillern, Jane: Social and Commercial Entrepreneurship: Same, Different, or Both? I Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, vol 30, nr 1, 2006

figurstjernaBornstein, David: How to Change the World: Social Entrepreneurs and the Power of New Ideas. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2004

figurstjerna Davis, Susan: Social Entrepreneurship: Towards an Entrepreneurial Culture for Social and Economic Development. Ashoka, 2002

figurstjernaDees, Gregory: The Meaning of fnuttSocial Entrepreneurshipfnutt., 1998

figurstjernaDees, Gregory, Emerson, Jed och Economy, Peter: Strategic Tools for Social Entrepreneurs: Enhancing the Performance of Your Enterprising Nonprofits. John Wiley & Sons, 2002

figurstjernaDonnelly-Cox, Gemma, Donoghue, Freda och Hayes, Treasa: Conceptualizing the Third Sector in Ireland, North and South. I Voluntas: International Journal of Voluntary and Nonprofit Organizations, nr 3, vol 12, 2001

figurstjernaGawell, Malin: Activist Entrepreneurship – Attac”ing Norms and Articulating Disclosive Stories. Doktorsavhandling, Stockholms universitet, 2006

figurstjernaHarper, Malcolm: Public Services through Private Enterprise. London: Intermediate Technology Publications, 2000

figurstjernaLeadbeater, Charles: The Rise of the Social Entrepreneur. Demos, 1997

figurstjernaMair, Johanna, Robertson, Jeff och Hockerts, Kai (red): Handbook of Research in Social Entrepreneurship. Palgrave, 2006

figurstjernaMosher-Williams, Rachel (red): Research on Social Entrepreneurship: Understanding and Contributing to an Emerging Field. Arnova, 2006

figurstjernaNicholls, Alex (red): Social Entrepreneurship: New Models of Sustainable Social Change. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2006

figurstjernaPalmås, Karl: Den Barmhärtiga Entreprenören – Från privatisering till socialt företagande. Agora, 2003

figurstjernaRangan, V. Kashturi, Quelch, John A, Herrero, Gustavo, Barton, Brooke (red): Business Solutions for the Global Poor. John Wiley & Sons, 2007

figurstjernaRoper, Juliet och Cheney, George: Leadership, learning and human resource management: The meanings of social entrepreneurship today. I Corporate Governance, vol 5, nr 3, 2005

figurstjernaSteyaert, Chris och Hjorth, Daniel: Entrepreneurship as Social Change – A Third Movements in Entrepreneurship Book. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing Limited, 2006

figurstjernaSullivan Mort, Gillian, Weerawardena, Jay och Carnegie, Kashonia: Social entrepreneurship: Towards conceptualisation. I International Journal of Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Marketing, vol 8, nr 1, 2003

figurstjernaWindell, Karolina: Corporate Social Responsibility under Construction: Ideas, Translations, and Institutional Change. Doktorsavhandling, Uppsala universitet, 2006

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