IS ENTREPRENEURSHIP GOOD OR BAD? How individuals can use entrepreneurship to improve their lives (and others)!

Professors Dean Shepherd, University of Notre Dame, and Vinit Parida, Luleå University of Technology, are soon coming out with a book on the topic.

Time: Thursday June 16, 10.00-11.00
Place: Webinar – a link will be e-mailed to those who register a couple of hours before start
Speakers: Professor Dean Shepherd, University of Notre Dame, USA, and professor Vinit Parida, Luleå University of Technology.

The webinar is held in english.

Register here – free

Welcome to a free Estrad:webinar with Dean Shepherd and Vinit Parida, two of the top entrepreneurship researchers.

About the webinar

Around the world, particularly in developing countries, many live in chronic adversity. In essence, every day is a struggle to survive. To understand entrepreneurship in resource constraint environments, professors Dean Shepherd, Vinit Parida and Joakim Wincent have made a number of in-depth case studies in developing countries. They take us from the slums near Mumbai in India, to the oil pipelines of the Niger Delta in Nigeria, to the refugee camps in Lebanon, and beyond.

In this presentation of their new book “Entrepreneurial responses to chronic adversity”, they explain the bright and dark side of entrepreneurship to enhance our understanding of how entrepreneurial action is conceived and implemented by individuals lacking resources and living in resource-poor environments.

They will also initiate a discussion on what lessons there are for entrepreneurship in developed countries.

Among the topics they will address are:
• Building an identity that enables entrepreneurs to cope with their life challenges
• How entrepreneurship can be used as a tool for constructive or destructive outcomes
• How criminal entrepreneurs exploit labor and its consequences
• Government officers using entrepreneurship to secure bribes

Participants will be able to ask questions.


About the speakers

Dean Shepherd
…is the Ray and Milann Siegfried Professor of Entrepreneurship at the Mendoza College of Business, Notre Dame University. He is regarded globally as one of the top researchers in entrepreneurship. He investigates both the decision making involved in leveraging cognitive and other resources to act on opportunities and the processes of learning from experimentation (including failure), in ways that ultimately lead to high levels of individual and organizational performance. In 2020 he received an honorary doctorate at Luleå University of Technology.

Vinit Parida
…is a chaired professor of entrepreneurship and innovation at Luleå University of Technology (LTU). He is scientific leader for NorrlandsNavet- a Kamprad center for business development in northern Sweden. His research interests include organizational capabilities, entrepreneurship and innovation in resource constrained environment, business model innovation, industrial ecosystems, and the circular economy.