Sprider forskning om innovation, entreprenörskap och småföretagande.

Sprider forskning om innovation, entreprenörskap och småföretagande


Santa Claus, Easter Bunny… and the Entrepreneur?

Kort om föreläsningen:

Most of us think of entrepreneurs in the same way: as cash-driven, controlling and hard-working individuals. Or simply as Bill Gates. But the truth is that the psychology of the entrepreneur is much more complicated than that. Still, we are continuously fed with the stereotype image by teachers, journalists, researchers and policy makers. Kelly Shaver is Professor of psychology. During his Estrad lecture he will uncover some of the entrepreneurial myths, and also discuss many realities. Shaver will challenge the assumptions made by potential entrepreneurs, consultants, researchers and educators – and also what’s in YOUR head!

Observera att denna föreläsning kommer att genomföras på engelska.
Please note that this lecture will be in English.

Kort om föreläsaren/föreläsarna:

Kelly G. Shaver is Professor of Psychology at the College of William & Mary. From 1977-1979, Shaver was Program Director for Social and Developmental Psychology in the Division of Behavioral and Neural Sciences at the National Science Foundation. He currently serves as an advisor to FamilyCareAmerica.com, is a founding director of MBATechConnect.org and serves as a member of the international advisory board of the Entrepreneurship and Small Business Research Institute (ESBRI) in Stockholm, where he was a Visiting Professor during 1999-2000.

For five years, Kelly Shaver was Editor of Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice and has served on the editorial boards of the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology and the Journal of Personality. He currently serves on the editorial boards of the Journal of Applied Social Psychology, Entrepreneurship and Regional Development, and the Journal of Developmental Entrepreneurship. He is the author of seven books, co-author or co-editor of five others, and is author or co-author of over 140 papers and research articles on attribution processes and entrepreneurship. Shaver’s most recent book is The handbook of entrepreneurial dynamics: The process of business creation, edited with William Gartner, Nancy Carter, and Paul Reynolds.

His paper on the motivations of nascent entrepreneurs was the winner of the Babson-Kauffman Entrepreneurship Research Conference Best Paper Award for 2000, and his course on the Psychology of Entrepreneurship won the 2000 McGraw-Hill/Irwin Award for Innovation in Entrepreneurship Pedagogy. Professor Shaver is a Fellow of the American Psychological Society, a member of the Society of Experimental Social Psychology, and the current (2004-2005) Past Chair of the Entrepreneurship Division of the Academy of Management. For more information, please visit Shaver’s web site: www.wm.edu/PSYC/shaver.html

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