Sprider forskning om innovation, entreprenörskap och småföretagande.

Sprider forskning om innovation, entreprenörskap och småföretagande


Co-create new futures in uncertain times

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Welcome to an open Estrad:webinar with Saras Sarasvathy, one of the world’s most renowned entrepreneurship researchers. She will share her thoughts on how effectuation can be a way to tackle these uncertain times.

The global pandemic and the economic fallout from it have brought attention to uncertainty in unprecedented ways. In particular, we all need to understand that the future is unpredictable in fundamental ways. Tools that normally help us better predict the future are no longer enough.

Lessons from expert entrepreneurs become particularly useful under these circumstances. Entrepreneurs who have built large and enduring ventures learn to make decisions and take actions under uncertainty without relying on predictive tools. Instead they co-create new futures with few resources and small groups of stakeholders who self-select into their ventures. This way of thinking and acting is called effectuation.

Our main speaker, professor Saras Sarasvathy, has been researching and teaching effectual thinking and action for over two decades. During the webinar, she and Henrik Berglund will discuss:

• Three types of uncertainty
• Four logics of action in response to the three types of uncertainty
• How to co-create new futures without relying on predictions

Kort om föreläsaren/föreläsarna:

Professor Saras D Sarasvathy is a member of the Strategy, Entrepreneurship and Ethics area, Darden School of Business, University of Virginia, USA. In addition to MBA and doctoral courses in entrepreneurship at Darden, she teaches in doctoral programs in Europe, Asia, Latin America and Africa. In 2007, Sarasvathy was named one of the top 18 entrepreneurship professors by Fortune Small Business magazine. In 2013, Babson College awarded her an honorary doctorate for the impact of her work on entrepreneurship education. Most recently, in recognition of her active engagement with students, Sarasvathy became the 2015 Mead-Colley Honored Faculty from UVA.

Associate professor Henrik Berglund is a lecturer in strategy and entrepreneurship at Chalmers University of Technology. His research focuses primarily on two related themes. First how entrepreneurship can be understood and studied as a design science, closer to the practical and pragmatically oriented engineering sciences than to the abstract and descriptively oriented natural sciences. The second theme is academic entrepreneurship and, more specifically, the question of what practical and identity-related challenges researchers face when they combine their role at the university with starting and running companies based on their results.

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