Sprider forskning om innovation, entreprenörskap och småföretagande.

Sprider forskning om innovation, entreprenörskap och småföretagande


The economic dynamics of modern biotechnology

Föreläsare: Professor Maureen McKelvey, Chalmers tekniska högskola

Om föreläsningen:

This lecture addresses the economic and business development of modern biotechnology – which is seen not only as small biotech firms but as a broad knowledge base, which affects many industries and different types of firms. This lecture draws upon the newly published book ”The Economic Dynamics of Modern Biotechnology”, edited jointly with Annika Rickne and Jens Laage-Hellman (Edward Elgar Publishers, UK).

The book is about the dynamics of knowledge – the economic processes that shape the exploration and exploitation of new knowledge in society. This rests upon the idea that innovations and the related development of new knowledge and information go hand in hand with economic transformation. The economy is in flux, changing fundamentally over time, with new products, firms and activities starting up and with existing ones being significantly modified or disappearing. This constant transformation is based on learning and innovation, which are largely economic processes with economic objectives.

Observera att själva föreläsningen kommer att genomföras på engelska, men frågestunden efteråt blir på svenska!

Please note that the presentation is in English, but the following discussion will be in Swedish!

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