Sprider forskning om innovation, entreprenörskap och småföretagande.

Sprider forskning om innovation, entreprenörskap och småföretagande


Santa Claus, Easter Bunny… and the Entrepreneur?

Myths and realities on entrepreneurial behavior

Föreläsare: Professor Kelly Shaver, College of William and Mary, USA

Om föreläsningen:

Most of us think of entrepreneurs in the same way: as cash-driven, controlling and hard-working individuals. Or simply as Bill Gates. But the truth is that the psychology of the entrepreneur is much more complicated than that. Still, we are continuously fed with the stereotype image by teachers, journalists, researchers and policy makers. Kelly Shaver is Professor of psychology. During his Estrad lecture he will uncover some of the entrepreneurial myths, and also discuss many realities. Shaver will challenge the assumptions made by potential entrepreneurs, consultants, researchers and educators – and also what’s in YOUR head!

Observera att denna föreläsning kommer att genomföras på engelska.
Please note that this lecture will be in English.

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