Sprider forskning om innovation, entreprenörskap och småföretagande.

Sprider forskning om innovation, entreprenörskap och småföretagande


How to Master the Counter-Conventional Mindsets of Entrepreneurs

Föreläsare: Associate professor John Mullins, London Business School, England

Om föreläsningen:

In his latest book, Break the Rules!, John Mullins draws on 20 years of field research to build a compelling argument that successful entrepreneurs exhibit one or more of six mindsets that allow them to challenge assumptions, overcome obstacles, mitigate risk and, sometimes, change the world. Surprisingly, however, these mindsets run counter to the conventional wisdom that’s typically found in large and well-established companies. They fly in the face of what’s taught in business schools about strategy, core competencies, target marketing, financing and more.

John Mullins will in his talk bring to life the six counter-conventional mindsets that enable iconic entrepreneurs like Jeff Bezos, Sunil Bharti Mittal, Elon Musk and others to take advantage of the opportunities that present themselves along the entrepreneurial path. Innovators looking for the next big thing and the people who work with or for them owe it to themselves to understand, embrace, and master these winning mindsets.

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