Sprider forskning om innovation, entreprenörskap och småföretagande.

Sprider forskning om innovation, entreprenörskap och småföretagande


Green initiatives and skills supply is the future for small businesses in the tourism and hospitality industry

Föreläsare: Professor Maria Ek Styvén, associate professor Tim Foster and professor Karolina Parding, Luleå University of Technology

Om föreläsningen:

Small and medium sized businesses (SMEs) in the tourism and hospitality industry face a number of challenges that they need to address in order to develop and survive. Some of the challenges are to attract and develop employees, and to develop green and sustainable initiatives. Such challenges are perhaps particularly urgent in the northernmost part of Sweden, and other rural areas, due to geographical, demographical and labor-market factors.

Post pandemic, as companies emerge from this crisis, the focus on green initiatives and green investments are playing an increasingly important role in their overall strategies, both to attract customers but also potential employees. Also, in the tourism and hospitality industry, employee turnover is generally high. This affects the conditions for organizing work to accommodate learning and skills development.

During this webinar you will learn more about how SMEs in the tourism and hospitality industry actually work to solve these challenges and also some recommendations of what is needed from support organizations to help them develop.

Among the topics the speakers will address are:
• What types of green initiatives and investments are SMEs in the tourism and hospitality sector focused on?
• What do these SMEs feel they need more help with to continue to “Grow Green” their brand and their business?
• What are employees’ and employers’ views of the conditions for skills development at work?
• How can companies make room for employees’ learning?
• What can green investments and initiatives lead to in the future?

Participants are invited to ask questions.

The webinar is organized by Esbri and NorrlandsNavet at Luleå University of Technology.

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