Sprider forskning om innovation, entreprenörskap och småföretagande.

Sprider forskning om innovation, entreprenörskap och småföretagande


From Entrepreneurial Ecosystems to Technology Ecosystems: The future is in the cloud!

Föreläsare: Professor Erkko Autio, Imperial College Business School

Om föreläsningen:

Over the last years interest in entrepreneurial and innovation ecosystems has increased dramatically. Basically, these ecosystems include accelerators, co-working and maker spaces, and innovation challenges and so on.

According to professor Erkko Autio, Imperial College, England, one of the leading researchers on entrepreneurial ecosystems (EE), it is time to move beyond EE. We need now to focus on and understand how cloud-based technology ecosystems create and constrain enablers of business model innovation. This is particularly important for emerging general-purpose technologies such as AI and machine learning.

Among the topics he will address are:
• What are entrepreneurial and/or innovation ecosystems, and how do these relate to general-purpose technology ecosystems that reside in the cloud?
• How open-source business models are developed and implemented.
• How cloud-based general-purpose technology ecosystems operate as the ultimate drivers of digital transformation.
• Implications for policy and practice.

Participants will be able to ask questions.

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