Sprider forskning om innovation, entreprenörskap och småföretagande.

Sprider forskning om innovation, entreprenörskap och småföretagande


Simple rules to increase your entrepreneurial performance

Föreläsare: Professor Dean Shepherd, University of Notre Dame, USA

Om föreläsningen:

Only hire people with previous experience from a start-up. Take care of your health. These are two of rules in the new book 66 Simple Rules for Entrepreneurs: A Roadmap for Improved Performance (open access).

It is not often an entrepreneur inspires a top researcher to write a book with practical advice based on research. However, this book is an exception. Following the entrepreneurial journey – from recognizing opportunities to exciting the venture – top professor Dean Shepherd with two colleagues offers 66 simple rules for entrepreneurs to increase their performance.  All rules are research based.

During the webinar you will learn about the some of these rules. They are designed as tools to improve the entrepreneurial performance. During the entrepreneurial journey entrepreneurs makes important decisions under typical entrepreneurial circumstances – uncertainty and resource scarcity. These 66 rules are based on that premise. Not all the rules are for all – it is a “smörgårdsbord” of tools that can give inspiration and be useful for all kinds of entrepreneurs, including social entrepreneurs.

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