Sprider forskning om innovation, entreprenörskap och småföretagande.

Sprider forskning om innovation, entreprenörskap och småföretagande


Successful failures and abnormal normalities

Kort om föreläsningen:

Learning is about putting an end to failing to learn from experiences. Failing, however, is most crucial for experience-based learning. Are you confused? Daniel Hjorth will bring light to questions related to failing and learning, such as:

How should we relate to failure and experience in entrepreneurship learning?

If new knowledge is incompatible with prior learning – and prior learning is a precondition for understanding what is new – then what is the basis for building new knowledge?

In what way can learning be understood as an entrepreneurial process?

Kelly Shaver’s part of the lecture concerns the process of knowledge transfer from the individual to the new entrepreneurial firm. He says that most of the characteristics that describe a person do not transfer well to descriptions of a new company. Knowledge, however, does transfer, and the resource-based-view of the young firm suggests how such knowledge might contribute to competitive advantage.

Kort om föreläsaren/föreläsarna:

Daniel Hjorth (Dr.Phil.), is professor of entrepreneurship and innovation management at the Department of Management, Politics and Philosophy, Copenhagen Business School, where he also is the Research Director of the research group focused on Leadership, Innovation, Knowledge and Entrepreneurship (LIKE). Hjorth is the editor of the ”Movements in Entrepreneurship” books (fourth one coming in early 2008) for Edward Elgar Publ. (together with prof. Chris Steyaert), and the recently published ”Entrepreneurship and the Experience Economy” (with prof. Monica Kostera). He is the author of ”Rewriting Entrepreneurship” (2003), and presently the guest editor of Special issues in ”Scandinavian Journal of Management” and in ”Entrepreneurship and Regional Development”. He sits on the editorial boards of ”Education, Knowledge & Economy”, ”Open Management Journal”, and ”International Journal of Internet and Enterprise Management”. Läs mer här

Kelly G. Shaver is Professor of Entrepreneurial Studies and Chair of the Department of Management and Entrepreneurship at the College of Charleston, USA. He is responsible for creating the Entrepreneurship Concentration within the School of Business and Economics, and is currently developing an interdisciplinary minor in creativity and innovation. He is a former Visiting Professor at the Entrepreneurship and Small Business Research Institute, is a past Chair of the Entrepreneurship Division of the Academy of Management, and a past Editor of Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice. He is one of the editors of the Handbook of Entrepreneurial Dynamics, the volume that describes details of the Panel Study of Entrepreneurial Dynamics (PSED). Läs mer här

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