Sprider forskning om innovation, entreprenörskap och småföretagande.

Sprider forskning om innovation, entreprenörskap och småföretagande


Circles of Influence and Three of the Paradoxes of Silicon Valley

Föreläsare: Professor Tom Kosnik, Stanford University och ekonomie doktor Lena Ramfelt, KTH

Om föreläsningen:

This lecture focuses on a book currently in progress: ”Circles of Influence and the Paradoxes of Silicon Valley” (Harvard Business School Press, Boston MA). This book provides insights about how the game of high tech entrepreneurship is played in Silicon Valley. It reveals seven paradoxes that players in the Valley have to cope with in their play of the game, and shows how the model can be applied to other high tech regions, by comparing the wireless industry clusters’ potential in Stockholm, Singapore and Silicon Valley. The audience will be invited to think about what paradoxes they have observed about the entrepreneurial environment in Singapore and other regions they know.

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