Sprider forskning om innovation, entreprenörskap och småföretagande.

Sprider forskning om innovation, entreprenörskap och småföretagande


Born Globals:

Challenges for New Venture Internationalization

Föreläsare: Professor Erkko Autio, Helsingfors tekniska universitet

Om föreläsningen:

The old wisdom on internationalization is that the process should start late and proceed cautiously. But today’s increasingly global business environment challenge these traditional theories and advice. Many firms are present on foreign markets from day one. They are the so-called ”Born Globals”.

Although many Born Global firms succeed, there are risks involved in early internationalization – it may even kill the new venture. The question is: how should an early and rapid internationalization be managed, and what are the benefits and drawbacks for the new firm? Received and emerging theories concerning new venture internationalization and its short- and long-term consequences will be reviewed during the lecture. We will also discuss strategies and tools for managing the new venture internationalization process.

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