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LIST | The universities with the most PhDs in 2024

KTH, Luleå University of Technology and Lund University top the list of most theses in 2024.
One university holds a steady place year in and year out on Esbri's list of doctoral theses in innovation and entrepreneurship research. Collage: ESBRI.

In 2024, 35 theses were published in the field of innovation, entrepreneurship and small business. Two of the top three most ambitious universities in 2023 fell sharply last year – and one remains firmly in the lead.

35 PhDs were awarded in innovation and entrepreneurship research at a total of 18 Swedish universities in 2024. ESBRI has interviewed all researchers and written popular science news articles about the research results.

Major setback for two top universities

The 2023 list was topped by the Stockholm School of Economics, the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU) and Lund University. But in 2024, the first two delivered only two and zero doctoral theses in the field. Lund University, on the other hand, had a total of five doctoral theses, putting it in first place on this year’s list.

Per Mickwitz. Photo: Charlotte Carlberg Bärg.

– I was very pleased to hear that Lund University has climbed one step in this year’s thesis list and is once again number one. Swedish prosperity has been created through innovation and entrepreneurship, so it is important that we understand these processes. The environmental and climate challenges we face have also been partly caused by past innovations. So now we need system innovations as well as technological and social innovations to solve the challenges,” says Per Mickwitz, Professor and Vice-Rector for Research and Sustainability at Lund University.

– I am proud that Lund University has educated a new generation of people with the knowledge of innovation and entrepreneurship to understand and change the world.

Since Esbri’s annual survey started in 2020, Lund University has topped the list in three out of five years.

The university that’s going strong – and those that are falling behind

Mid Sweden University, which has only produced a total of one (1) doctoral thesis in innovation and entrepreneurship research over the past four years, surprised everyone by delivering three in 2024.

Jönköping University and Linköping University, which have been at the top of the list since the start of the survey, fell back considerably last year – with two and one (1) theses produced respectively.

Magnus Aronsson. Photo: Caisa Rasmussen.

Gender balance

In 2024, there was an even gender distribution among doctoral students, 18 women and 17 men. Since the start of the survey, there have normally been slightly more women per year. The biggest gender difference was in 2021, when twice as many women obtained their doctorate.

Down to normal levels

In 2023, a total of 54 theses in innovation and entrepreneurship research saw the light of day, which was a record. With last year’s 35, the number is now down to more normal annual levels since the Esbris survey began in 2020.

– It is good to see that there is a steady flow of research in innovation, entrepreneurship and small business. The fact that it then differs from year to year which universities deliver the most is not important from a societal perspective. What we need is high-quality research that is useful in practice. And here Esbri has an important function as a bridge between academia and the rest of society,” says Magnus Aronsson, CEO of Esbri.

More about the list

The list is based on the doctoral theses in the fields of innovation, entrepreneurship and small business identified by the Esbris Editorial Board in 2024. Esbri interviews the researchers and writes popular science articles that are usually published on a few days before the defense.

To previous lists


Lund University5 (7)
KTH3 (2)
Luleå University of Technology3 (5)
Mid Sweden University3 (0)
Blekinge Institute of Technology2 (2)
Chalmers2 (2)
Stockholm School of Economics2 (8)
Halmstad University2 (1)
Jönköping University2 (4)
Umeå University2 (0)
Uppsala University2 (1)
University of Gothenburg1 (3)
Dalarna University1 (1)
University of Gävle1 (0)
Linnaeus University1 (2)
Linköping University1 (3)
Karlstad University1 (0)
Stockholm University1 (4)