HELLO THERE! Kristina Alsér – Chair of the newly launched Simplification Council

She is a business leader, former County Governor of Kronoberg County, and was responsible for the government investigation on regulatory simplification in businesses (2021). Kristina Alsér will now lead the work of the Council for Simplification, which the government launched on June 5 to reduce the regulatory burden and administrative costs for businesses.
A well-attended Impact Day – highlights from the day

Around 100 researchers, policy makers, entrepreneurs, investors and other practitioners from around the world gathered on June 3 to talk about how we promote women’s entrepreneurship. Here are some highlights from the event.
ESBRI organizes international conference on women’s entrepreneurship – policy in focus

111 researchers and other stakeholders from 21 countries gathered in Stockholm on June 1-2, to present and discuss the latest research focusing on women’s entrepreneurship.
NEW STUDY | Entrepreneurs as good of mothers as others

There is a perception that women who run businesses find it difficult to combine it with parenting, and are therefore not ‘good’ mothers. Nothing could be further from the truth, according to an award-winning Swedish study.
How farmers are preparing for the consequences of the climate crisis

Farmers are facing major challenges due to climate change. So how are they preparing for an uncertain future? This is what educational researchers at Norrlandsnavet are investigating.
NEW STUDY | Large gender gaps in funding – 4 recommendations for policy makers

Women running businesses are more likely to be rejected for loans than men – and they pay higher interest rates. The difference is due to deeply rooted gender norms, according to a new international study. Entrepreneurship professor Malin Malmström gives her key recommendations to Swedish policymakers.
NEW RESEARCH | Text analysis – a new method to capture innovations

Innovation is usually measured in patents and R&D expenditure. But these measures are far from capturing all types of innovation that take place in companies. Mustafa Bulut at the Stockholm School of Economics has developed a new measure that captures a wider range of business innovation.
HELLO THERE! Candida Brush – co-founder of the world’s largest research network on women’s entrepreneurship

On June 1-3, Esbri and Babson College will host the Diana International Research Conference in Stockholm. Since the research network was founded by Esbri and the five professors behind the Diana project 21 years ago, a lot has happened in the field of women’s entrepreneurship – both in practice and in academia. Professor Candida Brush has been involved from the start.
How to achieve a digitalized living countryside – advice for policy makers

Researchers at Norrlandsnavet have helped micro-entrepreneurs with digital services to increase the possibility of staying in rural areas. The researchers are now sharing their findings.
NEW RESEARCH | 5 keys to successful education collaboration between business and academia

Universities and colleges offer a wide range of courses that businesses can take advantage of. Many companies are taking the opporunity, but it is important that the collaboration is right to succeed. Researcher provide the success factors.