Disseminates research on innovation, entrepreneurship and small business.

Disseminating research on innovation, entrepreneurship and small businesses

HELLO THERE! Kristina Alsér – Chair of the newly launched Simplification Council

Kristina Alsér, Chair of the Council for Simplification

She is a business leader, former County Governor of Kronoberg County, and was responsible for the government investigation on regulatory simplification in businesses (2021). Kristina Alsér will now lead the work of the Council for Simplification, which the government launched on June 5 to reduce the regulatory burden and administrative costs for businesses.

A well-attended Impact Day – highlights from the day

Impact Day - en dag fylld av diskussioner om hur vi främjar kvinnors företagande. Foto:

Around 100 researchers, policy makers, entrepreneurs, investors and other practitioners from around the world gathered on June 3 to talk about how we promote women’s entrepreneurship. Here are some highlights from the event.

NEW STUDY | Entrepreneurs as good of mothers as others

Mother and son study and work together.

There is a perception that women who run businesses find it difficult to combine it with parenting, and are therefore not ‘good’ mothers. Nothing could be further from the truth, according to an award-winning Swedish study.

NEW RESEARCH | Text analysis – a new method to capture innovations

Mustafa Bulut looks for innovations with text analysis.

Innovation is usually measured in patents and R&D expenditure. But these measures are far from capturing all types of innovation that take place in companies. Mustafa Bulut at the Stockholm School of Economics has developed a new measure that captures a wider range of business innovation.



