Today’s world is overcrowded with ideas; attractive, fun and challenging ideas. Digitalization is driving changes inside and outside organizational, professional, and moral boundaries. Start-ups are flooding the innovation landscape. And creative workshops are flooding the business agendas, urging us to “think outside the box”.
Yet, organizations struggle in delivering real innovation. Ideas may be created “outside the box”. But when time for action comes – that is, when we return to our box (our organization, our life) – real change does not happen. Why?
Because we lack direction and commitment, argues Roberto Verganti and Åsa Öberg. Their research highlights the importance of one shared, meaningful vision. During this lecture, they will explain why innovation journeys should begin by understanding what is meaningful to the organization, and its customers. Drawing on examples from companies like Gillette, Gucci, Nest, Alfa Romeo, Philips Healthcare, and Deloitte, Verganti and Öberg will unveil the secrets of meaning-driven innovation. They will show why “inside the box” is a more sustainable approach than the well known “outside the box”.
Bring your smartphone!
Please note that this lecture will be in English!