Sprider forskning om innovation, entreprenörskap och småföretagande.

Sprider forskning om innovation, entreprenörskap och småföretagande


Virtual Instant Entrepreneurship:

Kort om föreläsningen:

Om föreläsningen säger Jerome Katz: ”Today anyone with a credit card and even occasional access to the Internet can become an online entrepreneur in a matter of 20 to 60 minutes. Sites such as eBay (product auctions) or eLance (service marketplaces) have added new avenues for Virtual Instant Entrepreneurship to the more traditional creation of a dot-com or opening of an online stall at an Internet mall. This is especially true for individuals seeking part time self-employment. Virtual Instant Entrepreneurs (VIEs) bring business volatility to a new height, with the potential of firm lives extending to weeks, days, or even hours, and they create conditions that will grow in importance over the next 12 to 36 months.”

Kort om föreläsaren/föreläsarna:

Dr. Jerome Katz is the Mary Louis Murray Endowed Professor of Management at the John Cook School of Business. He is a pioneer in developing techniques to find new firms and more completely list SMEs, and his current research examines how SMEs use the Internet, and how the new opportunities for entrepreneurship require new approaches to find the online entrepreneur.

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