HELLO THERE! Professor Ester Barinaga – author of a new book on complementary currencies – “Not more difficult than hosting Eurovision”

The social innovation of local currency is today a good complement to the ordinary monetary system in many countries. It is particularly important in times of crisis and budget cuts. But in Sweden, there is widespread ignorance of the phenomenon and fear of the new. This, according to Professor Ester Barinaga at Lund University, who recently published the book Remaking Money for a Sustainable Future: Money Commons (free download). In it, she describes local currencies and how they can help us get out of economic crises – if we dare to invest.
NEW RESEARCH | Increased imports reduce willingness to innovate

When manufacturing companies face competition from foreign products, the desire to innovate decreases. This is the conclusion of Olga Lark’s research, which focused on what happens when import competition increases at the local level.
NEW RESEARCH: How to get a smoother environmental review – advice for companies in transition

The green transition in northern Sweden risks stalling unless environmental permitting processes are streamlined. This, according to researchers at Norrlandsnavet, who give entrepreneurs advice along the way.
NEW RESEARCH | 3 steps to a sustainable business model

Companies that want to be part of the future need to shift to sustainable business models – fast. But how does it work? Lund University researcher presents three steps for successful business model innovation.
NEW RESEARCH | Why the tourism industry is booming in the North

More and more small businesses in northern Sweden are offering Arctic nature and cultural experiences. But the surge of local entrepreneurs in recent years is no coincidence.
BOOK TIP | Innovation for sustainable attractive cities

As we speak, municipalities across the country are working on innovation to create sustainable and attractive cities. But do bureaucracy and innovation really go together? In the research anthology ‘Innovation platforms for sustainable attractive cities’, eight researchers outline the challenges and opportunities involved.
NEW RESEARCH | How policymakers should support refugee entrepreneurs in rural areas – concrete framework

Many factors influence the challenges and opportunities faced by refugee entrepreneurs. Researchers at Halmstad University have developed a concrete framework for rural decision-makers to use to support the group.
NEW RESEARCH | How highly educated immigrants succeed in entrepreneurship

Social ties play an important role in helping immigrant higher education graduates start and develop businesses. Researchers at Stockholm University have studied the strategies used by this group of entrepreneurs to succeed in entrepreneurship.
NEW RESEARCH PROJECT | Helping tech companies in Norrland to scale up

Advanced technologies and digital innovations, from which the mining industry, for example, can benefit greatly, already exist. Now researchers at Norrlandsnavet will help smaller tech companies find customers and scale up their business.
Top 10 | Most read articles Q1

We take a look back and list the most popular articles in the first quarter of the year. Eco-friendly farmers, unequal entrepreneurship, and tips on how small businesses can make the most of social media – these are some of the topics that most attracted Esbri readers. Here we list all ten articles.