Disseminates research on innovation, entrepreneurship and small business.

Disseminating research on innovation, entrepreneurship and small businesses

HELLO THERE! Professor Ester Barinaga – author of a new book on complementary currencies – “Not more difficult than hosting Eurovision”

The social innovation of local currency is today a good complement to the ordinary monetary system in many countries. It is particularly important in times of crisis and budget cuts. But in Sweden, there is widespread ignorance of the phenomenon and fear of the new. This, according to Professor Ester Barinaga at Lund University, who recently published the book Remaking Money for a Sustainable Future: Money Commons (free download). In it, she describes local currencies and how they can help us get out of economic crises – if we dare to invest.

BOOK TIP | Innovation for sustainable attractive cities

creativity, innovation, entrepreneurship, teams, guidance

As we speak, municipalities across the country are working on innovation to create sustainable and attractive cities. But do bureaucracy and innovation really go together? In the research anthology ‘Innovation platforms for sustainable attractive cities’, eight researchers outline the challenges and opportunities involved.

Top 10 | Most read articles Q1

Here are the most read articles in the first quarter of the year.

We take a look back and list the most popular articles in the first quarter of the year. Eco-friendly farmers, unequal entrepreneurship, and tips on how small businesses can make the most of social media – these are some of the topics that most attracted Esbri readers. Here we list all ten articles.



