NEW RESEARCH | How to make farmers more environmentally friendly – and competitive!
Wetlands can provide better and more consistent harvests. Despite this, few farmers are investing in it. Halmstad researcher Anna Hansson knows what it takes to make agriculture more environmentally friendly and economically sustainable.
NEW RESEARCH | How to evaluate new-age innovation policies
In order to evaluate innovation policies for a more sustainable society, we need to leave old methods behind. But the transition has major challenges ahead.
BOOK TIP | How regulation affects innovation
In the research anthology Handbook of Innovation and Regulation, 31 researchers from Europe and the United States describe how regulations in different areas affect innovation. Several entries are Swedish.
FULL LIST | Universities that have produced the most dissertations over time
Last week, ESBRI revealed which universities have delivered the most dissertations in innovation and entrepreneurship research in 2023. Now we also have the full list of the most ambitious universities over a four-year period – with completely different universities at the top.
NEW RESEARCH | How small business owners can benefit from social media
Many small businesses use Facebook and Instagram as marketing channels. But social media can have a much deeper impact on a company than that.
LISTA | A firework display of entrepreneurship research
In 2023, 54 dissertations in innovation and entrepreneurship research saw the light of day. This is a new record – and we have the list of the universities that delivered the most.
BOOK TIP | Policy development for innovation capacity
Sweden and the rest of Europe face many major challenges ahead, including demographic, geopolitical, technological and climate-related ones. According to the authors, ensuring continued growth and prosperity requires more technological development and new ways of dealing with complex issues.
5 TIPS | How to beat the competition with process management
Working with process management frees up resources for innovation and development. According to researchers at Linköping University, they offer tips on how small businesses can get started.
NEW RESEARCH | Digital innovation transforms the purchasing process
The industry’s established working methods have been challenged by digital developments. In particular, relations with suppliers and partners have been turned upside down.
NEW RESEARCH | More vegetable growers are taking advantage of AI
Traditional vegetable farming is increasingly competing with indoor farming driven by high-tech innovations. But what are the innovations? And why do growers choose to invest in them?