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NEW RESEARCH | Good work environment drives innovation

Employees who feel good come up with new ideas.
Photo: Canva.

A good organizational and social work environment is a key factor in encouraging employees to contribute innovative ideas. And the actions and priorities of management play a crucial role.

– If top management demonstrates that employee mental health is important, and if it is clearly communicated, it creates an environment where innovation can flourish, says Rachael Tripney Berglund of Mälardalen University, who conducted her doctoral thesis at a large Swedish industrial company.

The link between health and innovation

The study shows that psychosocial safety climate (PSC), which is a measure of how the work environment is prioritized by management, has a clear relationship with employee-driven innovation (EDI). PSK is divided into four key areas:

  1. Management commitment to mental health.
  2. Health is as high a priority as productivity.
  3. Communication on health and safety at work.
  4. Stress prevention measures involving employees.

– It is only when employees feel safe and listened to that they dare to take initiative and come up with new ideas. Our study shows that PSK significantly contributes to this, says Rachael Tripney Berglund.

Rachael Tripney Berglund has worked for many years as a work environment engineer at Volvo in Eskilstuna. Photo: Emil Berglund.

First study of its kind

The study, based on data from 371 employees, is the first in the world to link psychosocial safety climate with employee-driven innovation. Through surveys and interviews, the researchers were able to identify the mechanisms behind the link.

– We found that a high PSK not only contributes to a better working environment, but that there is also evidence of a link between higher levels of PSK and higher levels of employee-driven innovation. It’s a double win for organizations.

Another finding of the study is that managers who value employee health and actively work to strengthen relationships are most conducive to creating a climate where innovation thrives.

Advice for organizations

The research indicates that organizations that want to invest in innovation should focus on creating a good working environment before initiating initiatives in employee-driven innovation.

– First, ensure that the working environment is good. A safe and healthy environment is not only good for the individual, but also for the innovation capacity of the organization. It’s about building a culture where employees feel valued and have the time and opportunity to contribute.

– If workloads are too high or management support is lacking, employee-driven innovation initiatives could potentially contribute to ill health rather than innovation due to increased expectations and demands, warns Rachael Tripney Berglund.


More about the thesis

Rachael Tripney Berglund defends her doctoral thesis on February 21st at Mälardalen University. Title: Building Psychosocial Safety Climate and Conditions for Employee-Driven Innovation.

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