Disseminates research on innovation, entrepreneurship and small business.

Disseminating research on innovation, entrepreneurship and small businesses

Always looking for the “new” new thing

- How Silicon Valley evolved and what Sweden can learn from it

Lecturers: Professor Martin Kenney, University of California, Davis

About the lecture:

Silicon Valley, that mythical place teeming with venture capital, smart ideas and cutting-edge skills. The hungriest entrepreneurs yearn for it, while regional politicians dream of recreating the valley in their own backyard. But what are the images of Silicon Valley that are floating around? What are they based on? And do they really explain the region’s strong performance?

Professor Martin Kenney grew up in California and has studied the roots of the venture capital industry, high-tech companies and the relationship between academia and business. During the first Estrad lecture of the fall, he will give us a nuanced picture of how the Silicon Valley phenomenon has emerged. On the one hand, it is a unique success story – on the other, there are lessons to be learned for those who want to see more entrepreneurship in their own region.

Kenney believes that success is largely based on the ability to look up and see the potential of the latest technology. Universities and large companies provide a pool of skilled people. And in Silicon Valley, there is also an army of financiers, lawyers, accountants and others who support and facilitate up-and-coming entrepreneurs. He’ll tell us more about all this, give an insight into the entrepreneur-friendly Californian laws and offer a lot of unvarnished truths about the region we keep coming back to. Martin Kenney will also discuss what Sweden can learn from Silicon Valley.

Please note that the lecture will be held in English!

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