DEBATE: “Businesses of the future start with today’s handovers”

Sweden is facing a huge generational shift over the next ten years. The Confederation of Swedish Enterprise now expects a clear message from the government that they will not make it more difficult for the thousands of companies facing transfers.
DEBATE: Entrepreneurship – the forgotten issue of gender equality

Do you perceive good opportunities to start a business? The proportion of women and men in Sweden today who answer “YES” to this question is about the same. Yet twice as many men as women run businesses. Is the entrepreneurship gap our forgotten gender issue? This is what the Confederation of Swedish Enterprise asks in this debate text.
DEBATE | Why companies should focus on profits before growth

Growth and profitability are issues faced by millions of entrepreneurs around the world. Both are important for long-term success. If a company is highly profitable but not growing, it may be an untapped opportunity for profitable growth. If a company has high growth but is not making a profit, it could mean that they are […]