BOOK TIP | The entrepreneurial state questioned – again

The book Moonshots and the New Industrial Policy: Questioning the Mission Economy brings together a number of researchers who are critical of the mission-oriented innovation policy that aims to solve major societal challenges.
BOOK TIP | How regulation affects innovation

In the research anthology Handbook of Innovation and Regulation, 31 researchers from Europe and the United States describe how regulations in different areas affect innovation. Several entries are Swedish.
BOOK TIP | Policy development for innovation capacity

Sweden and the rest of Europe face many major challenges ahead, including demographic, geopolitical, technological and climate-related ones. According to the authors, ensuring continued growth and prosperity requires more technological development and new ways of dealing with complex issues.
BOOK TIPS | The importance of ecosystem thinking

What is the impact of entrepreneurship on the world’s economies? The editors of The Entrepreneurial Ecosystem: A Global Perspective believe that we can only understand it by looking at entrepreneurship from an ecosystem perspective. The book pays great attention to methods for measuring and evaluating the entrepreneurial ecosystem. Elsewhere, we can read about the ‘entrepreneurship […]
BOOK TIPS | Innovation Competence

We already know that innovation processes are slow, collective and social. The book Encouraging Innovation – Cognition, Education, and Implementation explores this further.