Disseminates research on innovation, entrepreneurship and small business.
Here you will find book tips in the fields of innovation, entrepreneurship and small business.
Most books are research-based, but not always.
Entrepreneurial ecosystems are often portrayed as open to all, but in practice women face more barriers than men. The book Gendering Entrepreneurial Ecosystems: Levelling the Field examines the gender dynamics of entrepreneurship and shows how structures and norms affect women’s access to finance, networks and other resources. More than 30 international researchers contribute with global […]
As the EU’s Green Deal and other regulations put pressure on companies to shift to more sustainable business models, interest in the circular economy is growing. But how can businesses take advantage of circular economy opportunities to achieve sustainability goals? This question is explored in the new book Circular Entrepreneurship Ecosystems, in which a number […]
How does digitalization affect entrepreneurship, business models and sustainable development? In the research anthology Digital Entrepreneurship in Science, Technology and Innovation, more than 40 international scholars provide in-depth analysis of the complex interplay between digital technologies and societal development. The book looks at how AI and digital business models are reshaping industries such as healthcare, […]
Can entrepreneurship be a way out of poverty? In the book Poverty, Disadvantage, and the Promise of Enterprise, professors Michael H. Morris and Susana C. Santos explore the link between poverty and entrepreneurship. Despite the many constraints faced by poor small business owners, such as lack of resources and support, the book also shows how […]
Entrepreneurial ecosystems are increasingly important for policy makers who want to foster entrepreneurship and innovation. But despite success stories such as Silicon Valley, a clear theoretical basis is lacking. The Research Handbook on Entrepreneurial Ecosystems aims to fill this gap by exploring seven themes: the foundations of ecosystems, the mindset of key actors, cultural contexts, […]
In the book Women Entrepreneurs in the Middle East, a number of international researchers describe what it is like to be a woman and an entrepreneur in the Middle East – a region with largely patriarchal social structures. The researchers analyze, among other things, the context of entrepreneurship and the ecosystems that surround women’s business […]
New technologies, the climate crisis, the changing security situation and social issues are just some of the global challenges affecting businesses worldwide. Today, our changing world requires a certain agility when it comes to adapting business models to current circumstances. According to Annabeth Aagaard, editor of the book Business Model Innovation: Game Changer and Contemporary […]
How do entrepreneurs think and feel? In the book Psychological Foundations of the Entrepreneurial Mindset, entrepreneurship professor and author Kelly G. Shaver examines the psychological processes that underlie entrepreneurship. Focusing on the individual rather than the firm, the book analyzes factors such as motivation, cognition, perception, and personality. Shaver discusses what shapes an entrepreneur’s way […]
There are innovations that are invisible or not considered valuable in established research. Often, these are innovations that involve technical solutions developed by public organizations – even though they have played an important role in developing new technologies. In the book Dark Innovation – After Neoliberal Tools and Techniques , author and professor Ryan T. […]
Entrepreneurship is a growing subject in colleges and universities around the world, but with this growth comes ethical dilemmas. In The Ethics of Entrepreneurship Education, Kyle Jensen explores the challenges that teachers, investors and mentors, for example, face when dealing with student entrepreneurship. The book addresses issues such as: Should university teachers invest in student […]
Can business, government and society work together to address global challenges such as climate change, cybersecurity, disease, food security and education? In the book Venture Meets Mission , authors Arun Gupta, Gerard George and Thomas Fewer, all researchers and professors at Georgetown University, USA, argue that it can. But to succeed in creating a capitalism […]
Stop blaming external circumstances when things go wrong. Only hire people who have previously worked in a start-up. Take care of your health! These are three of the 66 concrete “rules” for entrepreneurs collected in the book 66 Simple Rules for Entrepreneurs – A Roadmap for Improved Performance. The authors Dean Shepard, Holger Patzelt and […]
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