EXPERT PANEL | Unequal entrepreneurship

Twice as many men as women run businesses in Sweden. What are the reasons for unequal entrepreneurship? What concerns and bright spots do researchers see in terms of gender equality in entrepreneurship and small business? And what needs to be done to make it more equal? We ask an expert panel of three professors and one associate professor.
EXPERT PANEL | Women’s entrepreneurship – Lucia Naldi

Twice as many men as women run businesses in Sweden. What are the reasons for this? And what are the bright spots for more equal entrepreneurship, according to the researchers? This week we ask an expert panel of three professors and one associate professor. Lucia Naldi, Professor of Business Administration at Jönköping University, is the fourth in line. She has conducted research on entrepreneurial mothers and fathers.
EXPERT PANEL | Women’s entrepreneurship – Malin Malmström

Twice as many men as women run businesses in Sweden. What are the reasons for this? And what are the bright spots for more equal entrepreneurship, according to the researchers? This week we ask an expert panel of three professors and one associate professor. Third out is Malin Malmström, Professor of Entrepreneurship and Innovation at Luleå University of Technology. She argues that public funding needs to be redirected to women entrepreneurs in women-dominated sectors.
EXPERT PANEL | Women’s entrepreneurship – Magdalena Markowska

Twice as many men as women run businesses in Sweden. What are the reasons for this? And what are the bright spots for more equal entrepreneurship, according to the researchers? This week we ask an expert panel of three professors and one associate professor. Today it is the turn of Magdalena Markowska, Associate Professor of Entrepreneurship at Umeå University. According to her, the key to equal entrepreneurship is an equal society in general.
EXPERT PANEL | Women’s entrepreneurship – Carin Holmquist

Twice as many men as women run businesses in Sweden. What are the reasons for this? And what are the bright spots for more equal entrepreneurship, according to the researchers? This week we ask an expert panel of three professors and one associate professor. First up is Carin Holmquist, Professor Emerita of Entrepreneurship at the Stockholm School of Economics. According to her, entrepreneurship is not a gender issue.
WOMEN’S ENTREPRENEURSHIP | 4 strategies women use to tackle inequality

The white man is the norm in entrepreneurship in Sweden. This creates major challenges for many women entrepreneurs, according to new research at Royal Institute of Technology (KTH) – which also found four strategies women use to deal with inequality.
HELLO THERE! Magnus Mähring – expert on artificial intelligence

AI is here to stay and no one knows where the new technology will be in 10 years. But it is clear that it will change the daily lives of many small businesses and start-ups. So how will entrepreneurs benefit from AI? And what are the risks? Esbri asked AI expert Magnus Mähring, Professor of […]
NEW RESEARCH | Why sharing companies are rapidly going international

Sharing companies have unique conditions that make it easy to take the business idea abroad. So what is so special about them, and what should sharing companies with international ambitions consider? Researchers at Linnaeus University clarify.
DEBATE: Entrepreneurship – the forgotten issue of gender equality

Do you perceive good opportunities to start a business? The proportion of women and men in Sweden today who answer “YES” to this question is about the same. Yet twice as many men as women run businesses. Is the entrepreneurship gap our forgotten gender issue? This is what the Confederation of Swedish Enterprise asks in this debate text.
BOOK TIP | The entrepreneurial state questioned – again

The book Moonshots and the New Industrial Policy: Questioning the Mission Economy brings together a number of researchers who are critical of the mission-oriented innovation policy that aims to solve major societal challenges.