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Three voices on the upcoming Research and Innovation Bill 2024

Birgitta Bergvall-Kåreborn, Luleå University of Technology, Eugenia Perez Vico, Halmstad University and Mats Benner, Lund University comment on what they know about the government's and the Sweden Democrats' upcoming research and innovation bill. Photo: Press images.

At the end of 2024, the Research and Innovation Bill will be presented, which will form the basis for the government’s policy on research, innovation and higher education for the next four years. According to the government, it will be the biggest increase in resources for research and innovation ever. But there will be no new innovation agency, as proposed by the Fofin inquiry. So, is it investing in the right things? Esbri asks three experts in the field.

“If the basic grant increases in relation to external funds, we as an institution can develop research areas that fit our unique strengths, and make long-term priorities.”
Birgitta Bergvall-Kåreborn has worked in academia throughout her career and is currently Vice-Chancellor at Luleå University of Technology. Read the full interview.

“There are strong voices that argue that it is the pure free and excellent research that leads society forward. Unfortunately, this does not reflect the knowledge of how research benefits society.”
Eugenia Perez Vico, associate professor of innovation science at Halmstad University and expert on research policy. Read the full interview.

“I would have liked to see cross-sectoral solutions where research funders, the private and public sectors, higher education institutions and civil society come together and create long-term joint commitments over time.”
This is what Mats Benner, sociologist and professor of research policy at Lund University, says. Read the interview.

Read the interview with the minister responsible – Minister for Education Johan Pehrson (L).
Read the opinion piece by the investigators of the Research Funding Inquiry