Disseminates research on innovation, entrepreneurship and small business.

Disseminating research on innovation, entrepreneurship and small businesses

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Gendering Entrepreneurial Ecosystems – Levelling the Field


Marit Breivik-Meyer, Marta Lindvert, Anne-Charlott Callerstig, Dag Balkmar and Gry Agnete Alsos (Editors)



Year of publication:



978-1-032-54785-5 (hardcover), 978-1-003-43106-0 (e-book)

Gendering Entrepreneurial Ecosystems – Levelling the Field

Entrepreneurial ecosystems are often portrayed as open to all, but in practice women face more barriers than men. The book Gendering Entrepreneurial Ecosystems: Levelling the Field examines the gender dynamics of entrepreneurship and shows how structures and norms affect women’s access to finance, networks and other resources.

More than 30 international researchers contribute with global examples and research showing how we can take concrete steps to make entrepreneurial ecosystems more inclusive. Swedish and Norwegian researchers contribute with insights on, among other things, investors’ gender perceptions and initiatives for increased gender equality. For example, one Nordic contribution looks at how norm-critical tools can be integrated into innovation processes to create more inclusive work environments. Another chapter analyzes the initiative The Yes Way, which aims to promote gender equality and inclusion within the Swedish entrepreneurial ecosystem.

The book is aimed at researchers, policy makers and anyone who wants to understand and change the rules of entrepreneurship.

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